The Miracle of Life:D
I've been exposed to delivery room several times.
There's more to life than just to live :)
I've been exposed to delivery room several times.
Hi Mommy!
Hi, Mommy. I’m your baby. You don’t know me yet, I’m only a few weeks old. You’re going to find out about me soon, though, I promise. Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I’ve got beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don’t have it yet, but I will when I’m born. I’m going to be your only child, and you’ll call me your one and only. I’m going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we have each other. We’ll help each other, and love each other. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn’t wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I know it already.
Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about me! …He wasn’t happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don’t think that you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don’t think I understand yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay… but I was very sad for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That’s a sound I don’t like. It doesn’t make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after, and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I’m not sure if I do. It wasn’t right. You say he loves you… why would he hurt you? I don’t like it, Mommy.
Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and you’re so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes, and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I’m happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.
I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love you, Mommy.
Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting funny and he wasn’t talking right. He said he didn’t want you. I don’t know why, but that’s what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry, Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won’t let you get hurt! I promise to protect you. Daddy is bad. I don’t care if you think that he is a good person, I think he’s bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn’t want us. He doesn’t like me. Why doesn’t he like me, Mommy?
You didn’t talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?
It’s been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven’t talked to me or touched me or anything since that. Don’t you still love me, Mommy? I still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don’t you do that when you’re awake, any more?
I’m 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren’t you proud of me? We’re going somewhere today, and it’s somewhere new. I’m excited. It looks like a hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell you that? I hope you’re as excited as I am. I can’t wait.
…Mommy, I’m getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don’t know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think something’s going to happen soon. I’m really, really, really scared, Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love you!
Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!
Don’t worry Mommy, I’m safe. I’m in heaven with the angels now. They told me what you did, and they said it’s called an abortion.
Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don’t you love me any more? Why did you get rid of me? I’m really, really, really sorry if I did something wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why don’t you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care about me, and not talk to me. Didn’t I love you enough? Please say you’ll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don’t want to be here, I want you to love me again! I’m really really really sorry if I did something wrong. I love you!
I love you, Mommy.
Every abortion is just…
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
(source hopelessnine)
I can't handle seeing this little angel if I'll be assign in the area (Delivery Room)
It seemed that it was just yesterday since school reopened. But now, we're bidding goodbye to the first trinal of this semester.
My name is Chris ,
I am three,
My eyes are swollen..
I cannot see.
I must be stupid,
I must be bad,
What else could have made,
My daddy so mad?
I wish I were better,
I wish I weren’t ugly,
Then maybe my mommy,
Would still want to hug me.
I can’t do a wrong,
I can’t speak at all,
Or else I’m locked up,
All day long.
When I’m awake,
I’m all alone,
The house is dark,
My folks aren’t home.
When my mommy does come home,
I’ll try and be nice,
So maybe I’ll just get,
One whipping tonight.
I just heard a car,
My daddy is back,
From Charlie’s bar
I hear him curse,
My name is called ,
I press myself,
Against the wall.
I try to hide,
>From his evil eyes,
I’m so afraid now,
I’m starting to cry.
He finds me weeping,
Calls me ugly words,
He says its my fault,
He suffers at work.
He slaps and hits me,
And yells at me more,
I finally get free,
And run to the door.
He’s already locked it,
And I start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me,
Against the hard wall.
I fall to the floor,
With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues,
With more bad words spoken.
‘I’m sorry!’, I scream,
But it’s now much to late,
His face has been twisted,
Into a unimaginable sh ape.
The hurt and the pain,
Again and again,
O please God, have mercy!
O please let it end!
And he finally stops,
And heads for the door,
While I lay there motionless,
Sprawled on the floor.
My name is Chris ,
I am three,
Tonight my daddy,
Murdered me.
And you can help,
Sickens me to the soul,
If you read this,
And don’t pass it on.
I pray for your forgiveness,
You would have to be,
One heartless person,
Not to be affected,
By this Poem.
And because you ARE affected,
Do something about it!
So all I ask you to do,
Is pass this on!
Post this as ‘Daddy … It hurts’
If you do not send this to everyone you know
Then you obviously don’t care about child abuse.
At first I thought this was just a chain letter
And I wasn’t going to send it either,
But now I realize that this is an important situation.
At least 5 children each day from around the world die from child abuse!!!!
This happens across the board, no matter how much money they have or their ethnicity.
Please help.
They're all talking about it. Got depressed over it. Including me, seriously.
"Love Story"
You're a traditional romantic, and you believe in destiny, soul mates, grand gestures, and fairytale endings. You love the roller coaster ride of falling in love and being in love, and you'll do anything for the object of your affection. You're sweet, sensitive, and completely in tune with your feelings and the best way to express them. Take more quizzes like this on
1. If a guy cries in front of you during a fight, he’s just using the drama to get your sympathy. 2. We also get self-conscious about our skin (which means zits also stress us out!). 3. Our efforts to impress you are actually very obvious: We show off our shiny new stuff, like a top-of-the-line-gadget or an expensive watch. 4. Wearing makeup isn’t a turn-off. But re-touching every five minutes is, especially if you’re on a date with us. 5. Guys will never understand why girls need to spend an entire hour in the shower. 6. If we feel threatened by another guy, we won’t say anything. But we will definitely do some research to scope out the competition. 7. Guys know their priorities. So if your boyfriend is always “too busy,” he probably doesn’t want to be with you anymore – enough said. 8. We can like someone our family disapproves of, but we can never fall for a girl who won’t even try to change their minds. 9. A guy won’t kiss a girl on her forehead unless he’s really serious about her. 10. We love it when you notice our new haircut – and compliment us about it. 11. Guys can be sensitive and deep – not all of us are pigs. 12. We get embarrassed by too much attention. 13. Girls are much braver than boys. 14. We find it cute when you’re a messy eater. 15. We like it when you can make funny faces for the camera without worrying about looking silly. 16. At the end of the day, all we really want is your approval. 17. We get threatened when you’re more makulit (or playful in a good way) with other guys than with us. 18. When we get upset, we find comfort in chocolate and ice cream, too! 19. We love getting early morning phone calls from you, even if you disrupt our peaceful slumber. 20. We have trouble apologizing, but most of the time, we know that we’re wrong and you’re absolutely right. 21. Guys watch cheesy soap operas too! 22. We always check your Facebook page to see if other guys are leaving flirty comments on your Wall. 23. We gossip with other guys all the time. We’re even more big gossipers than you are! 24. When we choose our clothes for our dates, we actually take note of what we were wearing that last time we saw you. (We don’t want you to think we only have one shirt in our closet.) 25. We still go home and cry to our moms after a bad fight or a breakup. 26. Some guys still have teddy bears on their beds! 27. We believe in fairy tales and unicorns too. 28. On our first date, we’re just as anxious as you are. 29. We’d rather be with quirky, flawed girls than picture-perfect ones. 30. We like girls who can go on unconventional dates with us – like going jogging in the rain together. 31. We’ll let you mess up our hair if we like you. 32. When we tell you that you’re cute, we mean it. Always. 33. We can be really dense, so we also need to be told that we’re cute. 34. We like girls who give us a hard time because when we finally get them to go out with us, the reward is greater. 35. When we pick on you or make fun of you, it means we like you. It’s the good old pigtail-pulling trick. 36. When you force us to watch chick flicks, we pretend not to like them, but we get butterflies, too. 37. Girls who can take care of themselves are way better than damsels in distress. 38. Horror movies freak us out big-time too! 39. Every time we try to make you jealous, it always backfires. 40. We get embarrassed easily. So please don’t laugh at us when we do and say something stupid. 41. We love social networking sites because they give us regular scoop on you. 42. The rain makes us feel all emo and sentimental, too. 43. We really don’t get your “subtle hints.” At all. 44. We’re fine with girls who wear skimpy outfits, but don’t keep tugging and re-adjusting your clothes. 45. Guys feel most of the things girls do. It’s just hard for us to express them. 46. Guys get really shy around their crushes too 47. Malambing girls always win us over – in short, those who are sweet! 48. We’d never admit it, but hearing David Archuleta’s “Touch My Hand” makes us feel all happy and giddy, too. 49. We will always be terrible at remembering dates and details. So we need you to remind us. 50. We try really hard to get you to notice us 51. We like finding solutions to your problems. It makes us feel like a hero. 52. Whether you’re skinny or curvy or somewhere in between, you’re attractive if you’re comfortable about your body. 53. We like it when girls can appreciate spending quiet, alone time with us. 54. We love girls who are upfront about their feelings. 55. When we really, really like you, it’s actually harder for us to make a move because there’s more at stake. 56. We get kilig (shivers or ticklish feelings) when you punch us playfully, even if it hurts sometimes. 57. If we’re really into you, trust us, we will come up with the most complex, most creative strategies to win you over. So don’t say we’re not making an effort, because we are. 58. We like pretty girls, but there has to be more than looks. We’re not shallow. 59. We’re jealous of guys who drives fast cars, in the same way you’re jealous of girls with closets full of designer outfits. 60. Guys also get stressed about maintaining a healthy figure. 61. People think girls are too talkative, but guys are big chatterboxes too. 62. Contrary to what shampoo commercials are always implying, guys don’t always like girls with long black hair. We love short-haired gals too! 63. The songs we play in our car when you’re in the passenger seat have been carefully pre-selected and screened for anything that may be offensive. 64. We love girls who are great with kids. Because if you can be patient with a three-year old, then you can definitely put up with us. 65. We were kind of sad to see High School Musical end. No more Troy and Gabriella! 66. We’re totally vain (especially when it comes to our hair!). But we try our very best to hide it. 67. We think girls in messy ponytails are cuter than girls with salon-perfect hair. 68. We can never be with a girl who is cruel to animals. 69. Before we post a status update on Facebook, we always consider whether you’d think it’s too whiny, or self-absorbed. 70. We like going to the cinema with you because we get to share our popcorn and maybe even hold your hand. 71. We will do absolutely anything for our girlfriends. 72. We love it when you sing off-key at the top of your lungs. 73. We will never get why you love posing for photos so much, but we kind of like it when we get to put an arm around you during group shots. 74. Out “just-rolled-out-of-bed-and-threw-on-a-random-outfit” look is more complicated and calculated than it seems. 75. We’ll start a petty argument with you just to get your attention. 76. We find it cute when we see you fidgeting, twirling your hair, biting the straw, and showing that we make you nervous. 77. We get anxious when you go to the bathroom in groups because you might be gossiping about us. 78. We’re huge fans of Gossip Girl too! We were touched when Chuck Bass finally said those three words, eight letters to Blair Waldorf. 79. We try to act mature, but we will never outgrow toys and cartoons! 80. Guys find it cool when a girl has a big appetite. 81. We can sense confidence from a mile away. We can tell when you know how amazing you are. 82. We get kilig (shivers or ticklish feelings) when we see you’ve viewed our Multiply Albums. 83. We love it when you can laugh freely and unpretentiously. The louder, the better! 84. We like it when we get to make you laugh. It makes us feel important. 85. Guys love being taken care of, but sometimes, you have to let us do things on our own. It shows you trust us enough. 86. We always worry about what you think of our fashion sense. 87. It sucks that we can break your heart without meaning to. We’re definitely not proud of this. (We’re Sorry!) 88. We like it when you show us off to your friends. It means you think we’re completely worthy of you. 89. When we know there’s a possibility that we’d bump into you, we actually spend time planning our outfits. 90. We think it’s weird that you keep tagging people in photos that all look alike. 91. We put up a strong front, but we also get hurt easily. 92. We respect girls who can let us down firmly and clearly without beating around the bush or trying too hard to be nice. 93. Guys also care about clothes and shopping. 94. Guys are also afraid of silly things, like flying cockroaches! 95. We’re very stubborn, but we can be open-minded if we want to be. 96. Don’t believe those teen movies – we’re not always thinking about gross stuff! 97. We know we’re in love with you when your name always comes up in our conversations with other people. 98. We still get jealous when you swoon over Edward Cullen. Even if he’s fictional. 99. We we say we like “simple girls” it doesn’t just mean we like minimal makeup and low maintenance clothes. It also means we want you to be game for anything and easy to please. 100. The most attractive girls are the ones who look naturally beautiful – like they’re pretty without even trying.
School. I've always like to be serious about it. Procrastinate no more and do what I ought to do. My mind was so busy these past few days but it seemed that I've been doing nothing about it. If deadlines will be tomorrow, I'll spend my entire night to do it. I realized that if I never let those things wait for days, no more sleepless nights for me plus good output in the requirements.
Read. I have to do that more. Face my thousand-worth of books than FACEBOOKing or wandering around the cyber place. This will be my last year, i hope, and I should do better. Our Clinical Instructors let us realized that we know a little. Not enough to join the troupe in the battlefield of NURSING. Our efforts will do nothing about our CIs. It's for us, as what they have always pointed.
Now, maybe I'll set aside those novels to read, movies to watch and will update less in my social networking sites. :))